Karina's story of having dental implants in Thailand.
Below is the map to the Spec Lab. Its is a prosthetics lab where you will spend your days having your molds done and your composite or porcelain teeth made.  If you are staying in the Sukhumvit or Petchburi areas you need to remember to allow about an hour of travelling time in a taxi to get to the lab each day. Rough estimate of taxi fare was TB150 to TB200 each way - depending on whether they took the tollway or not. Feel free to print this page out to show your taxi driver. If the driver does not understand it - ask your hotel concierge to read it to him. They are generally confused that you are not going to a tourist destination and just want confirmation you know where you are going. I usually pointed to my mouth and said "dental" and the message was understood.  Further below are photos of the lab and the Soi it is on to help you identify it in the taxi.
Tips for out at the lab:
  • take your own roll of toilet paper so you are not using the staffs supplies.
  • take some snacks as you are sometimes out there for half a day or more (if you are toothless - I suggest some cup a soups and jellies/yoghurts to sustain you).
  • take your medications with you.
  • take a book and an ipod - there may be times when you need to occupy yourself for an hour or so while adjustments are made to your teeth in the upstairs lab.
  • take your shoes off at the door. They provide flip flops for in the lab but I recommend bringing socks as it can be rather chilly in the lab itself.
  • take old photos of your mouth and smile so they can do their best to match your original look.
  • take your camera to record your journey to a new mouth.
  • at the end of each appointment the staff will use your hotel taxi card to either phone for - or go an fetch a taxi for you. They will read the hotel card to the driver for you.
  • the staff will let you know what time your next appointment is. My experience was that the appointments were every day for having composite (plastic) dentures/bridges made, and every second day when porcelains were being made. If you have sightseeing already planned be sure to let the staff know all your plans, also let them know your return flight plans so they can plan their work. I allowed 16 days to have my porcelains made. I think I would have preferred another few days so I had time to wear the final product for a few extra days and really try out eating etc before one final visit to the lab for any necessary adjustments.
  • the lab staff are very curious about your country. I recommend taking a nice calender or coffee table book from your country or state as a nice thank you and to show them some parts of your country etc.
The little Soi and the signs you will see to turn off into the lab's car park
The entrance to the lab

The waiting area for patients.
The fabulous Dr Rajapas.